Guilherme de jesus (Allzon)

Hi there, I'm Guilherme de Jesus, a FullStack developer. I'm a fan of technology and programming. I'm also college student the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and I'm currently studying Computer Science. I have a little more than 3 years of experience with web development and I work in a Fintech for a little less than 1 year.

On a daily basis I use technologies like .Net/C#, SQLServer and Azure, but I also have experiences with JS/TS using libraries and frameworks like React and NextJs, I am also passionate about functional programming, I always try to use its concepts whenever possible to improve my codes.

This simple page has the intention of serving as a small postifolio to share my projects and maybe some that can come to add in some way, I will update as soon as possible, and improve it so that I can show all my skills, look at the "Project" tab to see some ideas I've had.

For more information about me, you can contact me through the links below.

© Guilherme de jesus.